Welcome to the NEW Website!!!

Welcome to our NEW website! We hope you find shopping here easier and experience less issues checking out. Due to number of issues we have been experiencing with our current (old) web-host & program we made the decision to move the website. Our old program had a lot of features we loved and we are trying to find ways to incorporate some of those here (rewards program, payment slicing, newsletter, etc). These things are all possible with the new website it's just a matter of figuring out which app to use and how to set it up correctly.
We think you will find shopping easier with this new website. Some companies that we deal with on a regular basis use this program/host and we have never had an issue using their websites or checking out. A lot of our complaints with the old website had to do with checkout issues and our host could never replicate or find the issue - basically blew us off when we would ask for help (on any and all issues). Due to this we knew we had to change.
Another big problem with the current site is that it will not display the lock icon even though our website itself is secure! No one wants to shop or checkout when you cannot see this at all times. They said it was due to a majority our photos being hosting elsewhere. Rest assured our old site is and always has been secure with all your personal sensitive information - some of the product pictures themselves on our site may not be protected. This is the warning we recently started seeing so it's time to make improvements.
Our new site is VERY secure and ALL pages show the security lock symbol in the browser bar as it should!
We hope to move the current site sometime within the next week (move our normal URL www.bethscountryprimitivehomedecor.com to this website). Core items have been added to the NEW website. We will go back in and add additional product images to each product but right now we are focused on getting as much product added as quickly as possible. Not all items will be listed when we move but we will be working as fast as we can to add them. We will be downloading as much data as we can from the old website but will not be able to save and access everything. You will have to create a new account on the new website if you wish. We will have a report with your previously earned rewards points so that we can manually add them to your new account upon request. We will also be trying to transfer our email newsletter list. You are welcome to re-join and take advantage of the 10% coupon for new subscribers. Our social media will not change other than old product/page links will no longer work.
Our contest will go on as normal on the new website. We will post more updates as they happen. Please have patience during this time. We are working to do this move as smoothly as possible!